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Armstead Holmes Col'd vs William Francis Col'd } Partnership

Plntff allowed three dollars by agreement.

Margaret Warren Col'd vs Henry Dancy Col'd } Obtaining money under false pretence

Plntff charged Dfdt with fraudulently obtaining from her the sum of Five dollars, falsely representing that her husband had sent him (Dfdt) for said sum, with which Dfdt alleged Plntffs' husband's wish to purchase certain articles at auction.

Dfdt. plead "Not Guilty"

Samuel Reddick, Harriet Tucker, and five other witnesses, testify under oath, that they were present at house of Plntff when Dfdt, (whom they fully identify), came there. They substantiate the affidavit of Plntff and saw Dfdt secure the sum of Five dollars from Plntff. 

Dfdt 'Guilty' sentenced to confinement at hard labor, for three months at Military Prison, Fort Monroe.

John S. Meedy White vs. Clayton Johnson Col'd } Store account

Dfdt admits claim
Plntff allowed Eighty Three 5[[9]]/100 dollars.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-05 12:51:28