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in the face, with her (Dfdts) fist, but pleads that Plntff had
called her (Dfdt) liar, and otherwise abused her.
Plntff admits abuse of Dfdt.
No witnesses produced
The Court orders that Plntff and Dfdt be each bound in the sum One Hundred dollars to keep the peace for Six months.
Bvt Maj Geo E Head USA
    vs                     } Prostitution and Vagrancy
Francis White       Col'd
Timfry Leggins Col'd
Mary Wilson         Col'd
Dfdts discovered by Maj Hoad in an outbuilding of Military Prison, acting with open and gross lewdness, in the company of enlisted men. On being ordered to leave the Premises Dfdts refused.
Dfdts Plead "Guilty" and being identified by six witnesses as Public
Prostitutes and vagrants, the Court ordered that they be confined
for a period of three months at Military Prison Fort Monroe.

February 9th
Present{ Robt Wood For Freedmen Mort S. Reed 1st Lt VRC. Supt, Reed

W. Buttenhamm White vs Jack Everett Col'd } Tort