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Jefferson Sinclair White vs Martin Watkins Col'd } Rent,

Plntff allowed twelve (12) dollars.

H Hull, Jr White vs David Spratley Col'd } Rent.

Judgement given against Dfdt in the sum of thirty (30) dollars.

_ January 9th _

Present { Robert Wood For Freedmen
Present { Mont. S. Reed 1st Lt VRC. Asst Supt, Recd'r.

Joseph Simpson Col'd vs James Benjamin Col'd Charles Parker Col'd } Rent.

Judg'mt rendered against J. Benjamin for Seven 50/100 dollars.
Judg'mt rendered against C. Parker for Four dollars.

Isaac Fields et. al. Col'd vs. Wash: Taylor et: all: Col'd } Rent.

Judgement rendered against Dfdts as follows -