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Maj Genl Schofield
Comdg Dept of Potomac

Sir. In the Spring of 1865 while the command of Genl Stoneman was making a raid through this portion of Va one of his men gave me a bay mare benched U.S. I loned said mare to Mrs. C Conner who was then my mistress to help her raise her crop but when I desired the animal to be returned to me she refused to do so saying that I had no right to own such property. She afterwards transfered the animal to her son Green R Conner partly by gift and partly by sale but it is not intended that Green R Conner ever paid her any part of the purchase money. In the spring of 1866 after making various unsuccessful efforts through the interposition of a third party, the mare was placed in my hands and I sold her to a man named N P Adams. Shortly after the mare was taken by Green R Conner who now has it in his possession. From the extraordinary exertions made by Green R Conner to prosicute me for stealing my own mare and to prosicute the man to whom I sold it. The said Conner having engaged the services of two of the most able Lawyers in this section of the state to assist the Commonwealth attorneys and I being a poor woman without money or influential friends I am satisfied that unless the military authorities interfere in my behalf I will not be able to get my property returned to me. I have never in any manner transferred my claim to this animal to Mrs. Conner her son Green or any of her family, and in fact to no one except said N P Adams and I respectfully ask that you issue an order for said mare to

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