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Bureau of R.F & A.L. Hd. Qurs Asst. Sub Asst Com'r
3rd Div 8th Sub Dis. State of Va. Christiansburg Va.
June 12th 1867.
Captain Wm P Austin
Sub Asst. Comr
Captain - I have the honor to make the following special report, in reference to the dismissal from service of Colored men employed by the whites, who differ from them politically. Daniel Crawford "Colored" appeared at this office June 10th, and certified that he had been dismissed from the service of Mr Walker R Preston, living near Blacksburg in this (Montgomery) County, at 12 Oclock on that day - for having on the Saturday previous, connected himself with the Union League. Between the said parties there was a binding contract, entered into Jan. 1st 1867, for one year's labor - the said Crawford to receive in compensation for his services, the sum of $120. The written articles of agreement were recently made out at this office, and forwarded to Mr Preston for his signature (which he stated to me he would sign) and return for approval. They were not retured and I presume are now destroyed. Another case is that of Jerry Perrell "Colored" who appeared at this office on this date. States that he is hired by Mr Rorden of this County, as a farm hand - and while passing over the rented premises (owned by Mr Preston (the same as above referred to) or more probably the Land owned by his Sister Mrs. Jane Preston) although all this land is rented out to parties who do not object to Mr Rorden & his hands 