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American Missionary Association:
Rooms, 53 John Street, New-York.

REV. M. E. STRIEBY, N. Y.   
REV. J. R. SHIPHERD, Chicago. } Sec's 

REV. E.N. KIRK., D.D., Boston, Mass. 

E. KETCHUM, ESQ., Treasurer, N.Y.
W.E. WHITING, ESQ., Asst. Treas., N.Y.
REV. E. P. SMITH, Gen. Field Agent, N.Y.

New York, July 22, 1867

Gen. O. O. Howard
Commissioner, &c &c

In behalf of the Am. Missionary Association per its work among the Freedmen, near Fortress Monroe, I request, most respectfully that two of the Hospital Wards now in the care of Gen. S. C. Armstrong, but not otherwise not needed by him, be assigned to the use of the Association with the liberty to remove them onto the land recently purchased there from D. Woods, and to fit them up for dormitories (for scholars studying for the purpose of becoming teachers,) or for other school purposes.

The particular wards are in the main road, nearly opposite the Tyler House.

In behalf of the Am. Miss. Assoc.
Geo. Whipple Gen. Sec.

Transcription Notes:
10.6.2023 - Resolved remaining [[?]]s and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-07 11:01:04