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are to be made of hewn logs with two windows, and a dirt floor. The general character of these "quarters" is the same. I see no disposition to provide better for the whites than the colored, but as the former are able to help themselves, and have been there a series of years, their condition is much better than that of the latter who have all been received within the past few months. I was informed that some clothing could be provided for these people within two or three weeks, but I am of the opinion that the amount will be quite insufficient for their wants.
I called the attention of the Presdt of the "Board of overseers" to the condition of these people; and stated my intention to do something for their relief. He said that he would be glad of assistance until they were more fully prepared to provide suitably for theirs.
In my judgment these people should be removed to Hospital at once where they can have the attention and care