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L.B. 142 Vol 1/67
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters Sub-Assistant Commissioner, 3rd Sub-Dist., State of Virginia

Richmond, Va., June 13th 1867
Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Assist Comm State of Va.,

I have the honor to report, ---
in pursuance with Genl Order No. 31 & 33, Head Qtrs 1st C.S. Dist State of Va, that I caused the arrest of Richard Read ([?]) charged with unlawfully maiming of Henry Elliott, on the 12 inst.

After the arrest of said Read, I had him confined in Libby Prison and notified Bvt Major Genl R S [[Granger?]], [[?]] Commander Sub-Dist of Richmond and the Major General Commanding.

His arrest was made on complaint of the said Elliott that he could find no Civil Officer who would act in the case.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
Paul R Hambrick
Lieut 45th Infty Act'g Sub Ass't Comm'r