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Abstract of Subsistence Stores received and issued to destitute persons of Hanover County in the State of Virginia by Bvt Col Ira Ayer Jr. A.S.A. Comr during the month of May 1867

[[6 columned table]]
| Date 1867 | From whom rec'd | Class White No | Class Col'd No | Herrings Lbs | Corn Meal Lbs | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| May 6 | Geo Q White Bvt Maj C.Q.M. |   | 44 | 1700 | 1530 | 
| Total to be acct'd for |   |   | 44 | 1700 | 1530 | 
|   | To whom issued |   |   |   |   | 
| May 6th to 31st | Desitute cold people Hanover Co Va |   |   | 1700 | 1530 | 
| Total Issued |   |   |   | 1700 | 1530 | 
| Balance remaining on hand |   |   |   |   |   | 

I certify that the above abstract is correct

Ira Ayer Jr. 
Bvt Col & ASA Comr.