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Proceedings Board of Investigation

Bureau of Refugees Freedman &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst Commr. Dist of Va
Richmond, Va. Sept. 14th/67

Special Order 
No 101

II. . .A Board to consist of the following named Officers, is hereby appointed to meet at Fort Monroe Va. on Monday the 16th day of September 1867 or as soon there after as practable, for the examination of and report upon the claim for rent of the loyal owners of Chesapeake Female College for the months of June July August and September 1866 Viz.

Captain Garrick Mallery Bvt Maj U.S.A.
1st Lieut M. S. Reed V.R.C.
1st Lieut F. J. Massey Bvt. Capt V.R C.

(signed) O Brown
Bvt. Brig: Gen'l Vols
Asst Commr.