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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Office Assistant Sub-Assistant Commissioner, 1st Division, 3rd Sub-District, Virginia.
Richmond, Va, September 21" 1867.

Lieut Paul R. Hambrick
Act'g. Sub. Asst Comr. 3rd Sub. Dist

I have the honor to request if consistent that Mr. Patrick O'Brien whose appointment as clerk is to be revoked be retained on duty in this Office. Should the issue of rations to Refugees and Freedpeople continue I would be compelled to transfer this responsible trust to some one perhaps less competent to fill the position now occupied by Mr. O'Brien who is not only thoroughly conversant with this duty but is so well acquainted with parties applying for rations that no one but the needy receive them I believe the retention of Mr. O'Brien will prove a saving to the Government. 

Very Respectfully,
Your Ob'd't. Servant
Benj. C. Cook
Bvt. Capt. and A.S.A.C.