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prophets. The colored people do take an interest in the approaching elections, but like sensible men do not let this matter interfere with their daily avocations. If political meetings are attended they are generally held in the evening, few now being held in working hours.

In the Counties spoken of, but little suffering exists among the freed people; there are however a few cases among the aged and infirm to which the Bureau have extended aid.  These will in future be turned over to the different Counties for their care, under Circular letter from your Head Qr's dated the 19th inst. This has reference to the Freedmen alone, for much suffering does and will exist among the White people in the Counties designated.

In Richmond the freedpeople are overcrowed and, as a consequence there is suffering among them.

Homes have been procurred for the idle, and transportation offered them, but as yet only a few have

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-12 13:36:46