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Farmville Va.
Nov. 19th 1867

To the Commanding Officer
F.R. & A.L. Richmond Va.

I apply to you for justice that I cannot get here hoping that you will not overlook the particulars of My case as a poor Man.

In the spring of 1865 immediately after the Surrender of Lee there was some Cavalry Camped at this place on their removal from this place they gave Me one horse and one Mule that were unfit for service in the U.S.A. about one Month after they were taken away from Me. The Horse was taken away from me by John R. Gillem, and the Mule by Baker Davis. Afterwards the horse was taken from J.R. Gilem by Major Jordan, Military Commissioner at this place and gave to another person by the Name Richard Burton (colored) and sold By R. B. for the sum of one Hund dollars ($100) the Mule Baker Davis has got yet.

I have repeatedly applyed to Maj. Jordan for justice but cannot get any satisfactory answer, hence the reason that I trouble your valuable time.

Sir I remain your
Most Obt. Servt.
Bristo Bluford

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-13 20:19:21