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B.R.F. and A. Lands -
Howard's Grove Hospital
Richmond, Va. Nov. 14th 1867

Surg. J. J. De Lamater,
Bv't. Lt. Col. U.S.V. Chief.
Dist. Va - 

I have the honor, in compliance, with orders, dated Nov. 13th 1867, to report the amount of property at the Orphanage as follows -

Blankets No. 54  Bedsteads No. 13
Sheets No. 40  Wash Basins tin No. 4
Pillow Slips No. 40  Water Buckets No. 2
Bed Spreads No. 13
Stoves heating No. 3
Brooms No. 2.

Very respectfully
Yr Obdt. Servt.
D. R. Brower
A.A. Surg. U.S.A. Chg. Hospital

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-13 20:25:13