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Attorneys, Claim Agents and Solicitors of Patents,
Washington, D.C. Apr 8th 1867

Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commissioner of the Freedman's Bureau
Richmond Va

Dear Sir
Your favor of the 6th inst, inquiring about the claim of James Ellis late of Co I. 45th Reg't U.S. Col'd Troops came duly to hand, and in reply we would state that his claim for bounty was originally filed by the late J. Loewenthal with the Pay Master Gen'ls Office on the 9th of April 1866, and was transferred afterwards to the 2d Auditor, where it is still pending waiting for additional evidence as to "The Oath that the claimant did not barter, sell or give away his Discharge paper." We wrote twice to him calling for said evidence but as we had no other P.O. Address than Richmond Va we suppose that our letters did not reach him, as they were not answered.

We beg leave to enclose within a declaration, which Jas Ellis has to sign and swear to, and after having
