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Connecting at Richmond with the Western Union Telegraph Company's Lines for all points North and West, and at Greensboro' with the Southern Express Company's Lines for all points South. 
All messages taken subject to the following Conditions:
To guard against errors, the sender of every message of consequence should order it REPEATED: that is, telegraphed back to the originating office. When repeated, one-half the regular is charged in addition. The extend of damages is hereby limited for UNREPEATED messages to the amount charged for transmissions, and for Repeated messages to an amount not exceeding fifty times the amount so charged, unless INSURED in writing for an greed amount. No damages are to be claimed for interruptions caused by bad working of or breaks in the lines, nor on cypher or obscure or badly written messages, unless insured, nor against this Company for any mistake, delay or neglect of other Companies over whose lines this message may be sent to reach its destination; and this Company is hereby made the Agent of the sender forward it over the lines of such other Company. Messages can be insured by agreement in written hereon to an amount no exceeding $5,000 at the rate of one per cent. for less than 500 miles, and two per cent. for any excess.
The Company is released from damages unless claim is presented in writing, with preliminary proofs, in thirty days after mistake or neglect is known. 
These terms apply on this message through its whole course, on all lines by which the same is transmitted. No Agent or Employee is allowed to vary these terms, nor to make any other verbal agreement or promise as to the time or manner of performance. 
J.L. Morrow, Sup't Telegraph Line.

Dated Danville Va Apl 22 1867
Received at Richd Apl 22
To Genl O Brown
Hd Qurs bu RF & AL

In compliance with instructions contained in your letter of the ninth inst I have this morning sold to the colored people the government buildings at this place for which they have paid me.

G B Cary
Brvt Col VRC

33. paid