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Yorktown, Va,
March 25th, 1867

Genl. S. C. Armstrong
Supt. 5th District, Va, of
Bureau R. F. and A.L.

On the 19th inst. I filed with Capt. F. J Massy, the enclosed protest, before I would receive any rent from him, for the eighty six freedmen occupying my land against my will, because of the terms upon which they occupy the same, are prescribed by Capt. Massy and approved by yourself, to my great injury. After the first quarterage of one dollar and a quarter was paid to me, and receipted, then Mr. Montgomery  (Bureau Attendant) handed me back this protest, and said, Capt. Massy declined to forward it, and I now send you the very same myself. 

You will see from the protest, what I am willing to agree to, and I do not conscientiously believe, that I am exorbitant in my charge. I respectfully ask, that you give this matter a fair consideration, and do me the favor to forward me your decision, that I may know the same, and determine

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of preceding page