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it up. About one year since I was managing a Sunday school in our vicinity, and favored the idea of teaching the colored children that wished to attend, and so said. The next Sunday there was found on the little church door a writing, of which this is a part. "Old Chase wants the niggers teached - somebody will put him thru-" and though I abandoned teaching the colored children, I thought best for our safety to leave the school and it went down.

Now Hon. Sir. I suppose the first object of government will be to secure the peace and safety of this community. But what good can it do us to have Pucket sent to the Penitentiary for ten years? Surely none but the keeping him where he cannot hurt us - and "a terror to evil doers." My family must lack the bare necessities of life - where I am thus disabled nearly for sight for labor, or almost any kind of business- and instead of being able as formerly to help in their support, to be thrown a pauper upon my wife and children, who are not able to support themselves. We have about eight hundred dollars due us- about one half of it from magistrates of the Chesterfield Court- and all our debtors are amply able to pay, but rely on the magistrates and juries to cheat us out of it. Shall we suffer for food and clothing while we have enough due us from those who can pay but will not? Shall my eyes be gouged out - my health and

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-13 11:31:45