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Brevt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Commp. of B of R. & A.L.

Your petitioner respectfully represents that she is the owner of a small lot of land, with a house thereon, supposed to contain one half acre, situate in Hadlock Town in the County of Northampton, State of Virginia - That during the late war she was a resident of the city of Norfolk, and at all times loyal to the United States. That she was not connected with the late rebellion in any shape or form - That on the 15th day of June A.D. 1864, the said house & lot was sold by the U.S. Tax Commissioners for the non-payment of taxes, she being in the
City of Norfolk, and the said commissioners
not permitting the taxes to be paid by her 
agent in the county of Northampton - That
after said sale she proceeded to have the
said house and lot restored to her, and
that the same was accordingly done on the
29th day of December A.D. 1865, which will more
fully appear from the certified copy of the
Redemption Certificate given by the Commissioners of the U.S. and herewith enclosed - That at some time, to your petitioner unknown, the said house and Lot was transferred by some Agent of the Treasury Department, to your