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to his Wife, Harding returned to the House Archer Arvins soon after saying he had bid Charles "good night", the dogs about the House commenced barking and Archer Arvins Wife went to the door. he (Harding) said to her "Come in or you may have your head knocked off". this was after he (Harding) had returned to Archer Arvins House, he then left and went Home, he (Harding) was the last person seen with Charles Arvin, the deceased.
By close inquiry I found that the man Archer Wood had been missing all that night and was seen going Home Early the next morning (June 25th) and an axe was missing from the House where he lived. He (Wood) told Maria (Charles's Wife) that "Charles would soon be out of the way" She told him "not to kill Charles". this man Archer Wood has had Criminal Connection with Charles Arvin's Wife. She told me that She had to do with both Monroe and Archer and that Monroe said he would marry her if Charles was out of the way. She stated to me that she did not like Charles (her Husband) but that she did like Monroe Foulks and Archer Wood, but that Monroe was down on her Husband and she thinks