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Head Quarters Board of Registration 
Nottoway County, Va.,
Burkeville, Va., July 16th 1867

Col. S. F. Chalfin 
A. A. G. 1st Milty Dist. 

I have the honor to request to be relieved from Registration Duty for twenty days from August 1st 1867. Should the Asst Coms'r Bureau R.F. & AL. grant me a leave of absence for that time, which I have applied for, on Surgeons Certificate of Disability. 

I desire to state, that the Registration of this County has been completed, the required lists made out and forwarded to the Comd'g Gen'l, Lists also posted up and all duties required of me under existing orders, performed.

I am Col.
Very respectfully,
D.J. Connolly
Bvt Capt. V.R. Corps.
Pres'dt of the Board.