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O.S. L R. CMC YG&M Cos Va Fol 156
C. 102. R.F.& A. L. Va. 3d fol 1867~
York County
August 20th 1867 

Curtis, Thomas. M. 
Presdt Board of Overseer of 
Poor York Co. Va.

States that the communication of the 19th inst to the Presiding Justice of the County informing him that supplies to destitutes in the Southern States will cease on the 20th ints and that it is expected "The Civil authorities will receive and provide immediately for all indigent (Col) people now in charge of the "Freedmens Bureau" has been referred to the Overseer of the Poor.

Submits facts in regard to the County with the request that they will be communicated to Com'd'g Genl of the Mil. District. with the hope that he will make York County and exception to the Genl Order No. 51. &c. &c.

Rec ASAC York County Aug 24' 1867

O.S.E.B. OMC Y G & M Cos Va Fo 160
Hd Qrs Military Commissioner 
York Gloucester and Matthew Cos Va
Yorktown. Va. Aug 24' 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Y.F. Chalfin A. A G 1st Military District (through Hd Qrs Sub District Fort Monroe Va.) inviting attention to the within communication of Thos M Curtis Presdt Board of overseers of Poor. York Co. Va. The facts as set forth in said communication are correct and I believe the Civil authorities are wholly unable to maintain all the indigent "Freedmen" of York Co. No poor or "capitum" tax was levied on the colored people of this County. either for the past or present year and the white citizens are very poor and with difficulty obtain the necessaries of life. No destitute rations have been issued in York Co. by the "Freedmen Bureau" since October 1st 1866. except at the "Freedmens Hospital" which now contains fifty five (55) inmates the greater portion of whom are paupers. Providing existing orders remain in force and the officer in charge

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