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This Deed made and entered into this sixth day of October Eighteen hundred and sixty between Augustus B. Cooke and Solomon Cherry Trustees as hereinafter mentioned of the first part and Henry Buff of the City of Portsmouth of the second part. Witnesseth that whereas James Southgate Jr, Sewellyn Southgate and Rowland Daggete in order to secure to the Howard Association of the City of Norfolk the payment of the sum of three thousand dollars, did by their deed [strikethrough] dated [/strikethrough] hearing date the 22 day of February 1856 convey in trust to the said Augustus B Cooke and Solomon Cherry all that certain lot of land in the City of Norfolk situated on the East side of Ten Church Street in the City of Norfolk and bounded as follows to wit: commencing on the intersection of said Street with Marsh Street and excluding Northwardly on Ten Church Streety fifty feet, thence running Eastwardly and parallel with said Marsh Street Seventy four feet more or less, thence southwardly fifty feet to said Marsh Street and thence seventy four feet more or less to the beginning. And whereas the said James Southgate Jr. Sewellyn Southgate and Rowland Daggete having failed to pay the said sum of three thousand dollars, with the interest due thereon, the said Augustus B. Cooke and Solomon Cherry Trustees as aforesaid at the request of the said Howard Association of the City of Norfolk did on the 6th day of October 1860 expose the said premises to sale at public auction or which said sale the said Henry Buff being the highest bidder became the purchaser at the sum of thirty seven hundred and fifty dollars. Now this deed made and entered into as aforesaid Witnesseth that the said Augustus B. Cooke and Solomon Cherry Trustees as aforesaid for and in consideration of the premises and of the said sum of thirty seven hundred and fifty dollars to them in hand paid