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Alexandria Va.
Dec. 16th. 1867

W.D. Chase
2nd Lieut V R C & U.S.A.
Falls Church
Fairfax County Va.

I am in receipt of yours of - December enclosing copy of Gen Order No. 19. with reference to abandoned lands &c. In reply I would state that in August or September 1865 I made application to Gen. Howard for the release of my property and filed with my application a certificate from Clerk of the District Court (Judge Underwood) that all costs had been paid and proceedings against me dismissed.

I subsequently received special Order No 11. (a copy of which I herewith enclose) which I presume is all that is necessary for me to have in the case. 

I would also state that I taken the required oath, and that I am not embraced in the exceptional classes. 

Very respectfully
W.D. Corse

If anything further is required of me I would be glad to be informed.