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Bureau R. F. & A. Lands Dept Potomac
Office Surgeon in Ch. Department, 
Richmond Va January 5th 1867-

I have the honor to request that a "Board of Survey" may be appointed by the Commissioner of the Bureau R.F. & A. Lands Dept. Potomac, to assemble at Gordonsville, on 11th of the present month for the purpose of taking an inventory of the Medical and Hospital property at Freedman's Hospital at Gordonsville, for which A.A. Surg. Chas. G. Greene U.S.A. - lately in charge of that Hospital, but now deceased, was responsible, and to invoice the same to the successor of A.A. Surg. Greene. 
The Board should also prepare Return of Medical & Hospital property, in triplicate, from the records and last returns and papers of the deceased Officer, and send them to the Officer - ordering the "Board of Survey" - to be by him approved -
I respectfully suggest the gentlemen - whose names follow, for a place on the Board - viz
Major Morse Superintendent of Dist. Ho
A.A. Surg. Dr R. Brower U.S.A. In Ch. Howard's Grove
JJ De Lamater
I am, with much respect, 
Yr. Obdt. Servt 
Surg. in Ch. B.R.F.&AL. Dept Potomac

To Brevt Gen. O. Brown
A.A.A.Gen. B.R.F.&A.L.
Dept. Potomac