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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Surgeon in Chief, Department of the Potomac.
Richmond, Va., Feby 26th 1867

Brevt Brig Genl O Brown
A.A.A.Genl Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Dept Potomac


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your office of an extract from a report of Brevt Major Genl Sewell Actg Inspector General Bureau, dated at Washington Feby 20th 1867. With the same, was an order to me to report the date of my last inspection of the District under the charge of General Armstrong.

In obedience to this order I report that I made an inspection of the Hospital at Hampton, the Hospital & Dispensary at Norfolk and Government Farms during the last days of June 1866. I did not make inspections at that time at Yorktown for the reasons which follow, viz; The Hospital at that place, at that time was a very small establishment under the care of a very reliable Medical Officer; I had my assurance that it was well managed; It would detain me three more days from my office

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