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At a regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Fredericksburg, held at the Council Chamber on Tuesday the 27th day of August 1867.
On the motion of Mr. James H Bradley, the following response to the communication of Lieut Sears, enclosing General Order No. 57 from Head Qtr First Military District, State of Virginia, and also a communication from the President of the Board of Overseers of the Poor, was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the minutes of the Council.
"In reply to the communication submitted to the 
Common Council of Fredericksburg by Lieut Hector Sears, enclosing communication from the President of Board of Overseers of the Poor, in regard to providing means for support of paupers etc. - This Council beg leave I respectfully to state that they have always endeavored, and even in the most disastrous period  of their history, during and since the war, succeeded in providing means for the support of such paupers, white or black, as may have been properly chargeable, to the Corporation, by reason of permanent residence lawfully acquired in the Town. The question of color has never arisen in the 
Board of Overseers, when the necessity for relief was apparent - Free negroes and whites shared alike, before and during the war, when the poor fund was distributed, and the emancipation of the negroes in our midst has made no difference

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