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this office have been such as in his judgment would bear the test of a searching and impartial investigation.
Mr Graves, and all other men of this County, know that no case has ever been reported at this office which has not recd prompt and sure consideration; and with this fact before the Supt it is respectfully submitted whether it would not be proper for him to suggest that Mr Graves be requested to direct his communications hereafter to the Officer designated to receive and consider them.

Ira Ayers
Bvt Col & Asst Supt.

Bureau R.F&AL
Office Supt 3d Dist Va
Richmond Va April 4/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown Asst Commr State of Va, inviting attention to endorsement of Bvt Col Ira Ayer, hereon

James A. Bates
Capt 43d Infty and Supt

E&M 73 & 74

in which the civil officers failed to do their whole duty, giving me the names of parties &c, in order that the case might be duly investigated and reported. That letter was recd by him on the 25th the same day on which the within letter to the Asst Comr was written. On the 26th the enclosed letter from Mr Graves. marked (A) was received; which letter, it will be observed, called for no action whatever, upon the part of this office as no intimation was made that the necessary expenditures as therein referred to, would not be met by the County, I will, however, more fully investigate and duly report whether or not the County Authorities are fulfilling their engagement to provide for the destitute of both colors.

In the discharge of his duty the Asst Supt has endeavored to pursue such a course as would secure the co'operation of humane and right minded citizens throughout the County; and while it was impossible for him to be cognizant of individual suffering at all times, he has looked to all who professed an interest to keep him informed of all cases requiring his attention. That he has been as familiar with such cases as could have been reasonably expected, he is ready to affirm: nor does he suppose that any degree of familiarity will save any person the trouble of writing direct to the Asst Comr, if he thinks proper to do so, As to the unfavorable comparison of statements, he can only say that the reports made from

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