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"Writ Witness James Roy Micon Clerk of our said Court at the Courthouse the 5" day of October 1866 and in the 91st year of our foundation "James Roy Micon"
Sheriffs Return - "Executed Robert Johnsons, Richard Johnson & Horice Bird by delivering each a Copy - L Wm Muse Dpy for Jon A Boughton shff November 6" 1866" - And now at this day to wit: At a Circuit Court begun and held for Essex County at the Courthouse thereof on Monday the 12" day of November 1866.

The Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Robert Johnson Richard Johnsond and Horace Bird Defendants} Upon an Indictment found by the Grand Jury against the Defendants on the 25" day of April 1866 for a misdemeanor

Came the attorney prosecuting for the Commonwealth, and also the Defendants by their Attorney, and the said Defendants say that they are "Not Guilty" as in manner and form against them in the said Indictment is alleged and of this they put themselves upon the Country and the Attorney for the Commonwealth doth likewise and thereupon came as Juty to wit William H Haynes, James R Cox, John Greenstreet, John D Hutchingson, William F Greenstreet, Richard P McDonald, John W. Fisher, Walter S Jones, John A Hundley, Edmund Dunn, Hiram Gouldman and John M Owen who being selected by lot and sworn well and truly to try the issue joined, upon their oaths made up and brought into Court a verdict in these words to wit: " We the Jury find the defendants guilty and assess the fine against each defendant sixty two dollars and fifty cents Walter S Jones" It is therefore considered by the Court that the Commonwealth recover against the Defendants the said sum of sixty two dollars and fifty Cents each, her fined aforesaid by the Jury inform aforesaid assessed and also her Cons by her about her prosecution in this behalf expended and that the defendants be taken up - and now at this day to wit: At a Circuit Court continued and held for Essex County at the Courthouse in Tappuhannock in Tuesday the 13" day of November 1866.

The Commonwealth of Virginia against Robert Johnson Richard Johnson and Horace Bird Defendants} Upon an Indictment found by the Grand Jury against the Defendants on the 25" day of April 1866, for a Misdemeanor.
Came the Attorney prosecuting for the Commonwealth and also the defendants by their attorney, and on the Motion of the said Attorney