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[[left margin]] Copy record from County Court. [[/left margin]]

Rules held in the Office of the said County Court on the 6th day of November 1865, came Richard P. Lacy, by his attorney, and filed his Declaration against R. B. Howison in custody &c of a plea of detinue: which Declaration is in the words and figures following, to wit:-
"In the County Court for Alexandria County: Alexandria County, to wit:
Richard P. Lacy, complains of R.B. Howison of a plea that he render to the said plaintiff one bay mare the property of him the said plaintiff, of great value to wit: of the value of $75, which from the plaintiff he unjustly detains, and thereupon the plaintiff saith that heretofore, to wit: On the day of  , , at the County aforesaid the said plaintiff was possessed of the said mare of the value as aforesaid as of his own property and being so possessed thereof, he the said plaintiff afterwards, to wit: on the day of aforesaid, at the County aforesaid, casually lost the said mare, out of his possession, and the same afterwards, to wit: on the day of , aforesaid, came to the premises of the said defendant by finding. Nevertheless, the said defendant well knowing the said mare to be the property of him the said plaintiff and of right to belong and appertain to him, hath not as yet delivered the said mare to the said plaintiff, although he was afterwards, to wit: on the day of at the County aforesaid, requested by the said plaintiff