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any deduction for the amounts which had been received on a/c, & then for the first time claimed to have been a partner. I advised Mr. Doherty not to pay the amount demanded; but he said that rather than be worried & harassed by a law suit, he would pay the whole, and be rid of the trouble. Appreciating the vexation of mind which the affair caused him I acted for him in negotiating a loan of sufficient money to meet the demand. We borrowed the money at a most exorbitant rate of interest. Mr. Doherty placed the amt. $2500. in my hands & requested me to settle the matter, in a proper manner, saying that he wished to have no more to do with it. Healey was informed that the money was in my hands, ready for payment. He & his wife came to my office & requested payment. I wrote a receipt & showing them the checks, asked them to sign the receipt. They at first declined because they said the check might not be paid. I told them that I could not pay them unless they signed the receipt. which I read to them. Healey then objected again, because he said the money belonged to his wife, & he had no business to sign it. I explained to him that his wife's receipt was worth nothing in law, unless he also