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Bureau R.F. and A.Lands
Hd Qrs Sub Asst Comr 3d Sub Dist Va
RIchmond Va May 17th 1867

Capt James A. Bates
Sub Asst Comr
   In pursuance with instructions from your Office under date of 9th inst, directing me to make an investigation of all the Counties in your Sub. Dist., I have the honor to submit the following report.
   I commenced my tour of Inspection with the County of King William. I found on reaching the Court House - the 14th inst - that the Circuit Court was in session, Judge Critcher presiding. I had a fair opportunity of learning how justice was administered, "in cases where freedmen are concerned" and am pleased to report that I saw  no difference made on account of Color.  The case of the Commonwealth against Garnett for the "malicious" shooting of one Jones as colored man, was on trial and ably managed on the part of the prosecution.