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Authorities.  The wheat crops are growing finely and an abundant yield is expected.
   The Corn which is the largest Agricultural product and to which the farmer look mostly for their income, is coming up well, a large portion of the land is seeded and a fine crop is expected.  One instance of what a freedman can do, if he uses the means placed at his disposal, may suffice for an example, but not as a single case, as many of the same class can be cited.  James Dabney, aged 55, last year by the aid of his children worked a farm on Shares, and made two hundred (200) Bbls of Corn, one half of which he rec'd as his portion.  He shipped 400 bushels to market retaining 100 for his family use, with the proceeds of this Corn, he has placed himself and family far above want, and is now tilling the land of the same farmer and expects this year to realize 750 bushels as his part of the crop.  This man gives it as his opinion that there is no reason why either white or black, if able to work, should ask for help in this County; I questioned him re-