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garding the treatment the freedmen were receiving at the hands of the Whites, he frankly confessed that he knew of no cause for complaint that if injustice was done to any of them, the Agent of the Bureau was prompt in seeing that the complaint was amicably settled.
   The only deficiency existing is in the Schools for the freedpeople- not one is to  be found in the County.  It is the desire of all that the freedpeople be educated, they are anxious for Schools and the great cry is, educate us and our children, the white people have changed their views on this as on the subject of labor, and are now anxious that the colored be taught, declaring it as their belief that it "made a freedman better every way."  I would most respectfully recommend that a School house be built for the freedpeople in some one of the many places, where all parties Colored and White are anxious for a School.  I advised the Agent for the County, to select a spot, get the Colored people to purchase he same and request the Bureau to build such a house for them.  If this im-