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General Brown,
{Richmond Va
{May 21 1867

Mrs. Givins at the building known as "the Laboratory" informed me she intended leaving the City in June for the north and did not expect to return -- she stated that she would take the orphan children with her and the wanderers would be sent to Howards Grove Hospl

Would you allow us to take the building, & to purchase the Kitchen utensils & the bedding from Mrs. Givins & to take charge of it as Mrs. Givins has done,

We think in allowing this, it will relieve the Bureau of much trouble in seeing after the childing, they will receive the kind attentions of myself and two other names - fully competent to carry out any various, They will be properly cared for, taught to work & to be generally useful and when good homes are offered to accept them, There are also young women who have children 
& who would have it in their power to get good homes if they had no children, now these children can be  taken care of by us and their mothers can get homes & pay a small amount say one Dollar or one Dollar & fifty cents per month to us to care for the children, they can be kept clean & nice.