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wife taking up all of the deserters he lived on the road thut th month of caroliners  went home his wife would take a large pistol out and stop them regular and send them to a staunton under guard and reported every one that he thought was a oald a nuf to go in servis this can all be proven by hundreds some perheps would like to get round it if th could his motive for not setteling with me he knows i cannot live long and my poor child will have noone to se to it for him all that will be clear my other sones are in the extreme north if alive tharis too dead th i no of i have had the [[Strikethrough]] as[[/Strikethrough]] Asthma for nearly forty years for about thre months in the taller hart of the somer and fall i do not no what it is to go to bed and get a night sleap the year before the war i sent to new yorke for a package of medicine that he did releave me until this summer i have bin atached with it again i have not slept half the night for four weaks and would like to have some more of the medicine but have not got the means to get it with i humbly  beseach you to get it for me if i could only get six hundred dollars besides my house hould and kitchen furniture i would be satisfied as i am so much en nead i hope and prey you will answer this to Greenwood Alb per by so doing you will bestow a favor on a freend Mary Hays

Transcription Notes:
removed hard returns at the end of lines. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-22 20:04:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-23 11:31:09