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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. 
Office Ass't. Sup't. Sub-Dist Westmorland & Richmond Cos. Va
Warsaw, Richmond Co.Va. Jany 28th 1867.

Major James Johnson
Superintendent &c 6th Dist
Fredericksburg Va


I have the honor to report that John Corbin, William Veney & Thomas Braxton, (all colored) were arraigned before justices T. Ro. Shackleford and Walter Brockenbrough, magistrates of Richmond Co. for the crime of having been riotous at Shandy Hall, on the 12th of Dec. 1866. One white witness swore, he saw Veney especially conspicious on that day, calling every man who was white, sons=of=bitches.

Other white witnesses saw Corbin & Braxton, in the same manner.

They were all three, sent up for further trial at the Spring Court. They succeed in getting bail and are at ease for the present.