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Corbin was accordingly arrested and brought up for trial, before a magistrate court, held or convened at Warsaw. Justices J.R. Shackleford and Walter Brockenborough, sit to hear the case. William Walker, appeared for the defense and Thomas Jones, commonwealth Attorney, appeared for the Prosecution. A large number of witnesses were put upon the stand for the prosecution. They all swore that James C. Bryant, constable, did go out to arrest William Veney, a colored man, who had been very noisy in the course of the just ended riot, at Shandy Hall, -- all this on the 12th day of Dec. 1866,-- that when he Bryant, had nearly closed up on the said Veney, that he Bryant fired a revolver, that he held in his hand at a few negroes, among whom, was Veney the man he was after. Bryant then cried out "surrender or I'll shoot" some of you", or words to that effect -- Bryant then shot again, and then leveled, his pistol again, but the pistol did not go off -- it merely snaped. Bryant did not inform the negroes, who he was after, nor did he tell them that he was an officer of the law. That they saw 

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