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commenced cursing me again. I still remined silent. Then Harding told Dudley to strike me. I was then standing just in the cellar door. Dudley then jumped off his horse and struck me, aside the head with his fist. I then struck back and hit him in the face with my fist. I then ran out the cellar with the demijohn in my hand. As I did this and was on the outside ground, Dudley grappled with me, then William McCarty came on me also. I then made out to break loose from Dudly & McCarty, when just then a white man named Frank Mullin interfered and said that I had not done anything. The Dudley & McCarty pitched into this Mullin, and said to him "God dam your soul, will you hold up for a dam nigger?" Mullin said "he would hold up for any one who was in the right, black or white." They then let go of him. Then Dudley pitched at me again with a knife in his hand open, and exclaimed "God dam your soul I will cut your dam guts out of you!" I again struck Dudley and the blow turned him around. Then Madison Morgan rushed on me, and struck me over the head, with