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during the first part of the War - was not mustered into the Confederate Service 
The balance of the ticket is conservation so far as my information goes 
Respectfully submitted

Fredericksburg Ledger. 
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1867. 
City and Vicinity. 

On Monday next the annual election under our charter takes place for twelve fit and able men to serve as Councilmen for the ensuing year. Under the charter, the Council is empowered to appoint the Mayor, either from their own number or from the body of the citizens. But for a long time past, it has been usual for the people to designate their choice of Mayor, and this choice has always been respected by the Council. The election being a mere matter of form, the opinion or preference of the people once ascertained. 
On Saturday last a meeting of the white citizens was held at the Mayor's office, and Dr. J.G. Wallace was called to the chair, and W.R. Mason was appointed Secretary, (at least, we are so informed.) Speeches were made by J.L. Marye, Jr., J.H. Kelly, and P. McCracken, after which a committee to nominate a Mayor and Council were appointed, which committee consisted of M. Slaughter, Dr. LB. Rose, J.H. Bradley, J.H. Kelly, P. McCracken, Geo. W. Eve, W.T. Hart, A.B. Adams, J.L Marye, Jr., and W.R. Mason. 
This committee reported to an adjourned meeting Tuesday night, the following twelve for Council: Geo. Gravatt, Geo. W. Eve, Jno. G. Hurkamp, James W. Ford, P. McCracken, Jno L. Marye, Jr, A.P. Row, J.W. Sener, W.C. Morrison, W.H. Cunningham, Geo. W. Wroten, and A.B. Adams. 
A motion was made up to nominate a candidate for the Mayoralty, but it was not agreed to, and the meeting adjourned until Friday night. 
On Tuesday evening Mayor Slaughter was instructed by the Council to consult with the President and Attorney General, as to the right of the colored people to vote at the ensuing municipal election. His Honor went, but returned minus an answer. The President referred him to General Schofield, now our military governor. 
The colored people have also been caucusing, and the result of their deliberations is said to be the following ticket: 
For Mayor, 
For Council, 
George W. Eve, Dr. B.S. Herdon, W C. Morrison, Charles Williams, James B. Sener, John H. Mover Dr. F.P. Wellford, John J. Young, H.B. Hoomes, W. H Thomas, G.W. Wroten, Wm. H Cunningham. 
The contest promises to be a warm one. It is supposed some six hundred votes will be polled. 

THE NEW ERA. - At the meeting held last Monday evening, by the colored citizens of Fredericksburg, a Union League was formed, and the following address and resolutions were adopted: 
Fellow-Citizens: This meeting inaugurates a new era in our history. For the first time, since the world began we be