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for the arrest of Wallace this was 
upon March 6th 1867. Garland 
complied with my request -and 
the case was brought before justices 
Soloman Hutt and Walter 
Brocken brough on Saturday 
March 9th 1867. 
The evidence taken in the 
case proved conclusively that 
Wallace was guilty of the charge 
brought against him. In fact he 
acknowledged the testimony of 
the colored woman and her two 
witnesses to be true and that he did 
beat her but not one half as hard 
as he intended too 
The case was dismissed by 
the justices and the cast thrown 
upon the woman. The justices in 
their charge said that she ought 
not to be so saucy to Wallace. 
Without some means is taken to cast asside such dissicsion, there 
will be no security for the Freedmen 
and like attacks will dayly be made 
[[caven]] citizens who attended the trial