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April 9th 1867
Aylett's P.O. King William Co Va.

The Hon. Genl.
Schofield greeting

Dr. General. As you are placed in authority as Commander of this District No 1. Allow me to call your attention and make known to you the situation of your humble petisoner, who has been the victim of a foul outrage at the hands of one Robt. B. Garnett, in the evening about sunset of the 18th of Novr. last (after a severe days work on the mail road, being a publick Higway, I returned home (here Greenway,) and found some little nieces of mine, the reputed children of the said Robt. B. Garnett engaged in loading corn on their delecate heads and simply hailed to him some 40 yds. off and said to him that he was very mean in allowing this corn to be luged [[lugged]] by them on their Heads when the sd. Garnett might have so easily hauled this corn up to the House for them with his horse & cart, all which, he promised should be done when he engaged this land for a certain freedman Jno Hill to work upon - to mention the injury done me this man armed himself with a shot gun heavily charged with powder & shot and went to the stable unobserved by me and when I had nearly reached the gate