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B R F & A Lds
Office of Ast. Supt Sub Dist of
Campbell Appomattox Amheurst Coun
Countries Lynchburgh Va Feby 19th/67

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown
A.A.A.G. Deptmt. of the Potomac


I have the honor to witness [?] herewith, testimony take in the case of the Commonwealth, Sam Robinson, & submit the following report in obedience to instructions, in the endorsements from Hd. Qrs. 7th Dist. Feby 3d 1867.

From all the facts which I could gather outside of, with the testimony here presented for your consideration, I deduce the following: this man Larenby has some words with Robinson in regard to Robinson's sisters, which led to a fight, in which Lorenby states he was "worsted" but the evidence of Cunarff proves conclusively to the contrary. The two men met the day following this fight,  at a tree appointed by Lorenby to saw timber, and the testimony of Lorenby shows, no one else being present, that Robinson without provocation struck Larenby with an ax which came near, resulting fatally.
The case rests upon the positive testimony of Larenby that Robinson approached him from behind and struck him with the ax, & of Nance that Robinson said: "he was trying to kill him, wanted to kill him & thought he had killed him."
There is something surprising in the fact that Robinson should have made the above statement when on the way to Larnby's relief, particularly as Larenby testifies that Robinson was the first to inform his Mother of