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Testimony taken before Lt. Louis W. Stevenson V.R.C. &c on the 12th day of February 1867, at Liberty Bedford Co Va in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Saml Robinson, freedman, tried before the Septr. term of the Circuit Court of Bedford Co. for an assault with intent to Kill, upon Watkins L Larenby, and sent to the Penitentiary for two years.

Watkins L. Larenby being duly sworn testified as follows viz
Q. Please state if your are the person on whom the assault was committed by Robinson & all you knew in regard to the case if so?
A. On or about the 15th of August 1866, the day before this difficulty occurred there was a Negro woman told me this negro (Robinson) to kill me & was tooling a knife for that purpose, which I charged him with & he did not deny it. I struck him then. He fought me manfully for a while till I got the best of him in the scuffle; then I struck him eight or ten times, to the best of my judgement, which did not hurt him I think for in ten minutes, he was singing as merry as ever. I came out wasted in the fracas the first day. It was all over that day. The next morning I went over to my Mothers for the purpose of sawing some board lumber & I left word for this fellow to meet me at a tree that I had cut down several days before. I had to go to Mr. Nances, a near neighbor of mine to borrow a saw. I got to the tree before he did & took a seat by it waiting for him. While I was sitting there he got over the fence some 20 steps from me. I went to get upon my knees to take hold of the saw, & saw him coming up with the ax drawn in his hand so close to