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A. No sir.
Q. Mr Larenby who notified your family that you were hurt.
A. Sam Robinson
Q. Did you whip him frequently previous to this fracas?
A. I never struck him a lick but once before; he told me to kiss his --.
Q. What was his character previous to that time?
A. He was very impudent
Q. Did you ever know of his having difficulty with any white person before?
A. Only with his master - his master has told me several times he was a very hard boy to manage.
Q. Who is his master
A John Compton of Bedford Co.

Thorpe H. Nance, being duly sworn testified as follows.
Please state what you know about the difficulty between Mr Larenby & Robinson.
A. On the morning of this difficulty the sister of this man Larenby, who Robinson hit, came to my factory, & told me that her brother was killed & asked me to go & see to him. I went. I was the first person who got to him. When I got there he was dead as far as I could see. This was some 500 yds from the Larenby house & the same from my factory the place I had to go from. I gave him some spirits and revived him. He was very badly wounded & bruised up. I saw no blows struck & know nothing about that. I sent back to my factory for hands to remove Mr. Larenby to his Mother's house

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-24 15:26:42