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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A Lands
Head Quarters Seventh District of Va
Lynchburg Va January 19th 1867

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
AAA Genl
I have the honor to enclose estimates of rations for month of February 1867 for 7th District Va. No returns have been received from the Assist Supt of 7th District for destitute freedmen in quarters at this city have by direction of Colonel Willcox been placed in the freedmens hospital and are included in ration return of Dr Kinney A.A. Surgn. In Charge. Each of the destitutes in quarters here was properly a subject for medical treatment. Placing them in the hospital not only enables them to be better cared for but gives possession of a barrack needed for military purposes.
Lieut Stevenson