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Recd Jan 1st 1867 
Bureau of R.F. and AL
Hd Qrs. Campbell and Appomattox Cos Va Lynchburg. Va. Jan 16 1867
B 407
L. 36. RF&AL D of P 1st Vol 1867
Stevenson Louis.W. 
Lieut V. R. C. and Asst. Supt.
Encloses communications of Wyatt Wheeler (Cold) who states that U.S forces gave him a horse at the surrender of Lee; he loaned it to a Mr Cothran who now refuses to give it up and the magistrate decides that Wheeler not being free cannot hold property. As in whom is the title of possession till called for by the United States
(One Enclosure)

Bureau of R.F and A Lands 
Hd Qrs 7th District of Va
Lynchburg. VA. January 17 1867
Respectfully forwarded to Brevet Brig Genl O Brown A. A. A. 
RS. Lacey
Capt. and Supt.

Should not the colored men have this horse
O Brown
File with unsettled cases 
Defer action