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And I would further respectfully suggest, that it should be borne in mind, this man has already suffered very considerably, ay - seriously, on being shot through the side; and in the very improbable contingency of his being able to find the bail required, with his wound the jail is by no means a desirable, and still less a suitable place for him to be located in while awaiting a trial, over two months off, for an offense of which he is clearly not guilty, then, if acquitted, to be no doubt reapprehended on the lesser charge, to which he will still remain amenable. And another important point which should be taken into consideration is, that if not liberated, in some way, he cannot appear at the trial of Hudson for shooting him, which it is presumed will, as it ought to come off in the Roanoke Co Court this month; and, in fact, if even at large on bail, not having been acquitted of the charge against him; he could not appear at all; or, at least, not as a Witness: and it is therefore to Hudson's advantage that he should not have been acquitted before that time.

I am, General, Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt. Servt,
W.F. De Knight,
1st Lt. V.R.C. & Asst. Supt.
B.R.F. &. A.L.

Left Rocky Mount
19th March