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Oath; but having done, so I assume he has said enough to prove conclusively that it must have been taken merely to subserve his own ends, or at least, that he at no time held it in very high veneration; and lastly, that he has unquestionably violated it, and in consequence, can and should, as a mild punishment - be suspended from practicing in his profession, or at least in the Courts, until such time as he should exhibit a somewhat better spirit, and prove himself more suitably qualified as a loyal man.  This I would by all means respectfully recommend

In particular is Mr Dillard - as well as are all his family - most bitterly opposed to the whole colored race.  And still, it is said of him that he endeavors to use as a mistress every colored female he ever employs as a domestic.  I have myself known of one girl who left his place shortly after he had employed her, she said because he wanted her to be his "wife", as well as his servant; and I know also of another girl who would not hire to him at all, because she, was told he would want her as much for a mistress as a servant.  In addition to this, he bears the reputation of almost invariably managing to get rid of his servants before their time expires, by forcing them to leave of themselves, in order not to have to pay them; & it is farther said, that he rarely ever pays anybody, he is known to be a man of no veracity whatever, and his prolific exagerations transcend all bounds - And this same "Colonel Hughes Dillard, Attorney at Law", used to be one of the Gentlemen, and his family one of the first families of Va.

I am, General, Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
W.F. De Knight. 
1st Lt V.R.C. & Asst Supt.