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Bureau of R.F. &. A.L.
Hd. Qts. Asst. Supt. Franklin Co. Va.
Rocky Mount, Va., April 9th, 1867.

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown -
Asst. Commr.


I have the honor to submit herewith certain papers bearing on the case of "Polly Smithers" - colored - bound over to keep the Peace, here, on the 9th - not the 14th Ult., as I through mistake, stated in my Report of the 31st March, pursuant to Circular No. 10.  The following are the particulars.

Some time ago a Son, and Agent of Mrs. "Ann E. Woods" - white - obtained of the aforesaid "Polly Smithers" three thousand shingles, worth $15.00.  It was agreed that these shingles were to be paid for in wood; and they were subsequently used on the property of Mrs Woods.  Some time after, young Woods pointed out to the colored woman, on a part of his mothers land situate about a fifth of a mile distant from the house she occupied, and immediately adjoining a place owned by the farmer, two trees which she was told she could cut down - one for fence rails, and the other for fire wood; and it was understood that she was to likewise have one other tree, for wood.

This young man shortly after went abroad, but not until the two trees pointed out had been felled.  At this Mrs Woods became highly incensed, and forbade the tree being further touched; saying she meant to have it removed herself.  Polly now declared that if, before the law authorized it, any one attempted to cut it up, she would shoot the person; but she named no one.  Thereupon Mrs. Woods, entirely on hear-say in as far as the alleged threat made against the freedman named therein is concerned, at once proceeded to make the complaint under oath, as is set forth on the accompanying paper which will be